KBB is a proven and tested 4 module in-depth course that teaches you how to extract your knowledge, skill, hobby or passion (or someone else's), identify those EXACT people willing to pay for that knowledge & how to create and run wildly profitable and impactful small groups, workshops, communities or masterminds (whether in person or online!)
The MindMint software that goes along side the course is the implementation tool that's allowing so many people to get astonishing results so fast. A great course is no longer enough...
People need the "done for you process" and steps to get their business up and running, marketing and selling fast. That's exactly what we created with our combined 60+ years plus years and experience in this industry...
It doesn't matter if you don't have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided in this training program by 3 of the greatest entrepreneurs of our generation.
This world-class combination of software and education is completely NEW and the first of its kind! The Knowledge Business Blueprint paired with the Mindmint Software will allow anyone to start or scale a highly impactful and highly profitable mastermind, group, workshop or community.
This is one of the most highly demanded products Tony or Dean has ever made, yet there isn’t any competition - ZERO! The proof is in the phenomenal results affiliates with a wide variety of lists and followings are having.